Optimal Outcome

• Most of the thousands of participants that have attended our sessions either don’t have a clear idea of what they want to achieve or find it hard to imagine anything larger and more sustainable.

• 46 minutes explaining the concept of optimal outcome (Nobel Prize winning economics) and how to get from where you are now to where you want to be. • Examples and encouragement are provided for you to clarify the outcome you want to achieve before proceeding

Right People

• The most common problem is that people either omit stakeholders or have certain types they just can’t work with or influence.

• 9 minutes introducing the concept of stakeholders and the importance of assessing if you can achieve your outcome with the people you have. • We explore your leadership brand and encouraging you through 12 slides and 18 minutes of commentary to design your own leadership brand shield. Your actions define you and your values define your actions. Does your leadership brand help or hinder you? Peter Nixon shares his brand shield to help you compare and consider yours and others • The SDI2.0 session starts in Thinkific and proceeds to Core Strengths dedicated site where you will complete your own assessment and get instant results. Return to The Dialogue Course to better understand your results and discuss with other participants. • 13 minute session considering the culture, leadership, and team building behaviours of the stakeholders in your change scenario. This will give your deeper insight on how best to work with your people to achieve your optimal outcome

Right Issues

• There are 50-60 issues in most scenarios and these categorise into 5-8 categories like finance, timing, people, etc. Most people aren’t trained to handle the complexity this represents and fail to negotiate the details which matter.

• We introduce worked examples of needs vs wants and relationship threads and develop this into an actual negotiation between a studio owner and a photographer. • The challenge mapping session teaches you how to do challenge mapping either online or in-person. Participants wanting to try out the Basadur Challenge Mapping App will be invited to a separate live session. • We do a deep dive into issues by teaching and explaining a worked example using our Issue and Range Analysis Worksheet and how this informs The Concession Exchange Worksheet. Once you understand the basics you are exposed to the complex scenarios of Brexit and Astra Zeneca negotiations in the UK. These cases will be developed further in future editions of the course. Actual negotiation documents are available for download. • Peter Nixon’s latest book is introduced briefly through slides and commentary. This too will be expanded upon in future editions of The Dialogue Course.

Right Way – skills, methods, tactics

• The most common training requests have historically been related to the skills, methods and tactics of dialogue, negotiation, and conflict resolution. Skills are now more widely known and the challenge has evolved to using the right skills at the right time and place.

• Skills, methods, tactics, and applied scenarios are the main elements of this chapter. With content drawn from Peter Nixon’s books on negotiation, dialogue and business development, the topic opens with an interesting overview and explanation of the two chopsticks, wisdom, and compassion. • We then do a deep dive into the five categories of dialogue skills and look quickly at the most important of these through 36 slides, 81 minutes of commentary, 35 minutes of video, downloads and YouTube based examples. • We then explain the difference between dialogue and conversing skills and explore what prevents dialogue from happening when you need it most. • Our session on dialogue methods introduces you to in-person and online methods as well as opportunities to dialogue more often. We share the dialogue rules some organisations use to keep their meetings on track. • We share several examples and more are planned for future editions of this course.

Right Way – applied scenarios

• The going gets tough when you find yourself in situations outside your experience either because they are new to you or they are tougher than anything you have previously faced.

• Dialogues at work gets explored with topics like giving instruction, coaching, delegating, performance reviews and bad news dialogues. • Sales and business development dialogues are explored drawing from Peter Nixon’s Business Developer’s Playbook. • Negotiation attributes, general tactics, specialised tactics, and common mistakes are all covered with an excerpt from Peter Nixon’s bestseller Negotiation: Mastering Business in Asia. • Change and Innovation dialogues are covered with reference to Potential’s Change Wheel and Basadur’s Applied Creative Problem Solving. • Conflict is explored in detail with topics like sources, impact, responses, and removal. Several examples are shared.

Right Time & Space

• Masterful leaders are the ones who get everything right, including managing time and space. This is purely a thing of experience but we can fast forward your experience with plenty of tips and examples.

• Time and space, although separate pieces of the puzzle, are treated together because special things happen when you get these both right at the same time. • Topics include planning meetings (online or in-person), do’s and don’ts for great meetings, and how to manage time personally and for the benefit of others. • Specific tips are included for pacing your dialogues, negotiations, and business development activities.
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