Course curriculum

    1. 1 - Do Nothing, Wait

    2. 2 - Manage your emotions

    3. 3 - Meditate

    4. 4 - Prepare Concessions

    5. 5 - We are one

    6. 6 - Time Out to Calm down

    7. 7 - Note accusations without reacting

    8. 8 - Practice Non-Attachment

    9. 9 - Solutions and Problems Change

    10. 10 - Others suffer too

    11. 11 - Speak to their motivations

    12. 12 - Be polite

    13. 13 - Stop seeing things as black or white

    14. 14 - Address their needs not yours

    15. 15 - Be Inclusive

    16. 16 - Stop, wait, shut-up, and listen

    17. 17 - Ask them what you don't know

    18. 18 - Don't assume, ask questions

    19. 19 - Help others with their emotions

    20. 20 - Apologise

    1. 21 - Be Patient

    2. 22 - Show love to others

    3. 23 - Show Compassion

    4. 24 - Smile at Your Anger

    5. 25 - Define problem together

    6. 26 - Propose possible solutions

    7. 27 - Reward politeness

    8. 28 - Be diplomatic

    9. 29 - Share your thinking

    10. 30 - Share why you think as you do

    1. 31 - Encourage them to talk

    2. 32 - Don't react, explain you are listening

    3. 33 - Validate their feelings

    4. 34 - Brainstorm solutions

    5. 35 - Forgive (but don't forget)

    6. 36 - Include all stakeholders in dialogue

    7. 37 - Ask about their thoughts AND feelings

    8. 38 - Speak informally

    9. 39 - Clarify accusations

    10. 40 - Hire a mediator

    1. 1 - Talk about them

    2. 2 - Ask Questions

    3. 3 - Focus on the common ground

    4. 4 - Offer multiple solutions

    5. 5 - Speak their dialect

    6. 6 - Explore their emotions

About this course

  • $184.00
  • 46 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content