Course curriculum

    1. King Diamonds - Show curiousity in what others have to say

    2. King Spades - Balance solitude and social time

    3. Queen Spades - Maintain your calm to calm others

    4. Jack Spades - Meditate regularly

    5. Jack Hearts - Talk to different people regularly

    6. King of Clubs - control your emotions

    7. Queen Clubs - Be confident, witty, and humorous

    8. Jack Clubs - Be cheerful, flexible, without melancholy

    9. Queen Diamonds - Don't multitask when in dialogue

    10. Jack Diamonds - Recognise and listen to your gut feelings

    1. Ace Diamonds - be inclusive of others

    2. 2 Diamonds - Be diplomatic

    3. 3 Diamonds - Demonstrate respect and understanding for others

    4. 4 Diamonds - Be sincere, honest, and dialogue with proper motives

    5. 5 Diamonds - show you care and can be trusted

    6. 6 Diamonds - Apologise and take the blame when appropriate

    7. 7 Diamonds - Involve all key stakeholders in the dialogue

    8. 8 Diamonds - Demonstrate other peoples' perceptions matter a lot

    9. 9 Diamonds - Accept you need your opponents perspectives

    10. 10 Diamonds - Recognise you will need each other now or later

    1. 6 Clubs - Speak and share without venting, rage, lecturing others

    2. Ace Clubs - Adjust tone, speed, words to match other party

    3. 2 Clubs - Prime your environment to get what you want

    4. 3 Clubs - Be polite, courteous and avoid foul language

    5. 4 Clubs - Share your experience

    6. 5 Clubs - Use I-Messages to talk about patterns of behaviour

    7. 7 Clubs - State mutual purpose and focus on common ground

    8. 8 Clubs - State what you mean and what you don't

    9. 9 Clubs - Inquire appreciatively of others

    10. 10 Clubs - Don't wait to speak up

    1. Ace Spades - the solution is in the dialogue not predetermined answers

    2. 6 Spades - Be equal in mind (egalitarian) with others

    3. 2 Spades - Invite opposing views to get all the issues on table

    4. 3 Spades - Demonstrate openness to new ideas

    5. 4 Spades - Be flexible in how you dialogue to achieve your outcome

    6. 5 Spades - Avoid framing things as either/or, black/white

    7. 7 Spades - Investigate and understand your own assumptions

    8. 8 Spades - Find compassion for others

    9. 9 Spades - Help others suspend so they see alternatives

    10. 10 Spades - Suspend your opinions about other peoples' opinions

    1. Ace Hearts - Watch peoples' body language

    2. 2 Hearts - Balance talking and listening

    3. 3 Hearts - Listen to others' feelings (not just their words)

    4. 4 Hearts - Ma-Ma 5x to learn details

    5. 5 Hearts - Connect what you see to what you believe

    6. 6 Hearts - Invoke your professional skepticism

    7. 7 Hearts - Think about why they said it before you ask them

    8. 8 Hearts - Recognise good dialogue comes from good questions

    9. 9 Hearts - Explore why they respond with silence

    10. 10 Hearts - Recognise feedback as a gift

About this course

  • $200.00
  • 50 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content